Estate Planning

Tree branches with lilac pink large blossoms against a grey background

Estate planning is for everyone, not just the wealthy. One of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones is to establish an estate plan. A well-designed estate plan includes instructions for managing assets during any period of incapacity, provides for loved ones (including minor children or aging parents), avoids probate at death, reduces or eliminates estate taxes, and may leave a charitable legacy.

We counsel with individuals and families to review their personal and financial situation, including their needs, concerns, hopes and goals, and explain the options available to them based on their situation. This may include wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advance medical directives, or a combination of these, depending on client needs and goals. Once their estate plan is in place, our clients enjoy peace of mind knowing they have provided for themselves and their loved ones in case an unexpected crisis occurs.

Both Rachel and Kristin are licensed in Oregon, and Kristin is also licensed to practice in Washington state.

Schedule an appointment and fill out our new client questionnaire to get started with your estate plan